say, talk, tell, speak的区别、用法及练习(附答案)-金锄头文库

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say, talk, tell, speak的区别、用法及练习(附答案)-金锄头文库

2024-07-15 10:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、say, talk, tell, speak的用法及练习用法例句say“说”。 及物动词,用于直接引语和间接引语,但多用于间接引语。Say 通常不把“人”作为宾语,但:如把人作为宾语,需在say后面加介词“to”.He said, “Good morning”. She said that it was my last chance.She said that she would be late.错误:She said me.And I say to all the people of this great country.I saidtohimthatI couldnt go.He saidtoStevethatthat he was going to be late.tell“告诉”、“讲、讲述”。及物动词,用于直接引语和间接引语。口头或书面给别人传递信息,常用tell someone something的形式。传递“指示或通知”,常用tell someone to do something即“告诉做”。不用于诸如word、 name、句子、 短语之前。不用it做双宾语She to

2、ld me that she would be late.I told you about the party.Have you told him the news?She always tells horrible stories.She told me that she would be late.She told me that it was my last chance.Toms mothertoldhim to clean his room.错误:He told them, Good morning.错误:Alice told a naughty word.错误:Ill tell you it tomorrow.正确:Ill tell you tomorrow. talk “谈话、谈论、交谈”,表示人和人之间进行信息交换和语言交流,是一种相互的关系。一般不做及物动词,常常与介词“to, with, about”连用。talk to,对讲talk with,和讲,和谈话talk about,谈论.名词:“谈话”When she walked into the room ever

3、ybody stopped talking.The talks between the builder and the farmers continued for 3 hoursDo you want to talk to the Principal?The baby has started to talk in sentencesHe talks too muchspeak“讲、讲某种语言、演讲、发言”,及物动词,多用于单向交流以及用于正式场合。名词:“演讲”Ill have to speak to that boy - hes getting very lazy.After she had finished reading the letter, nobody spoke.She speaks three languages fluently.He is going to speak at the meeting.错误:Do you talk Japanese?以下通过练习,来加区别和体会:练习一:用say, talk, tell, speak的适当形式填空。1. Dont him

4、 about our plans.2. I waited for an answer, but she didnt a word. 3. He that he would wait for me at the library.4. He us that he was going to buy a new car. 5. Do you English?6. Come here, Mike. We need to .7. To you the truth, I dont remember anything.8. Did the director at the conference?9. Do you know how to good-bye in Arabic?10. We spent the whole evening about old friends. 11. They nothing to me.12. What did Eric when he saw the new bike?13. She _ several languages.14. He _ for about an h

5、our.15. He _ a lot of nonsense.16. It was an interesting _.17. Hes always _ behind peoples backs.18. If its worrying you, you should _ your mind.19. Theres a serious problem- I think we should _.20. We _ things over and everythings OK between us now.21. Its just _- theyll never actually do it.22. She _ in her sleep.23. It goes without that we will pay for the expenses.24. Its no use expecting me to because I promised Id keep the secret.25. Lets he offers the job to you. Would you accept it?26. D

6、ont anyone. We dont want the neighbours to start talking.27. Pull yourself together and stop nonsense.28. I dont know how we will communicate. I dont a word of Chinese.29. She always her prayers before lunch.30. Lets invite Maggie as well. Otherwise I know youll spend the whole evening football.31. He is never afraid of his mind.32. He was punished for some naughty words.33. What would you to a week in the Bahamas?34. Lets hope you are right. Time will .35. Weve all him to stop smoking.36. Did t

7、he children Goodbye to you?37. us why youre late.38. She still hasnt her parents she was engaged.39. Everyone he is strange, but I can tell its not true.40. When I was young, children used to the truth to their parents练习一答案:1.tell 2. say 3.said 4.told 5.speak 6. talk 7. tell 8. speak 9. say 10. talking 11.said 12.tell 13.speaks 14.talked 15.talks 17.talking 18.speak 20.talked 22.talks 23. saying 24. speak 25.say 26.tell 27.talking 28.speak 29.says 30.talking 31.speaking 3

8、2.saying 33.say 34.tell 35.told 36.say 37.Tell 38.told 39.says 40. tell练习二:选择题1. We werent _ about these new requirements.A. told B. said C. talked2. Youll have to _ to my manager about that.A. say B. speak C. tell3. No, thats not what I _ to him.A. saidB. told C. both are correct4. Lets _ over lunch.A. tell B. sayC. talk5. Some of the things he _ worry me.A. spokeB. talked C. said6. You should _ her that were going to be late.A. tellB. speakC. say7. Do you _ English?A. talkB. speakC. tell8. I dont know what to _ to you.A. Both are correct B. say C. tell9. He has been _ lies to everyone.A. talkingB. sayingC. telling10. Lets _ sports. = Lets talk about sports.A. speak B. talkC. both are correct11. I didnt hear you. What

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